Senin, 26 Februari 2018
Date Released : 25 September 2008
Quality : Good
Starring : Cut Mini, Ikranagara, Tora Sudiro
Genre : Drama | Education
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Sinopsis (Indonesian)
Film Laskar Pelangi dikisahkan pada akhir tahun 70-an, di sebuah pulau bernama pulau Belitong di dekat Pulau Sumatera. Pulau ini kaya akan Timah namun menjadi eksploitasi negara ketika itu.
Tersebutlah sebuah sekolah SD Muhammadiyah yang sedang kesulitan untuk membuka kelas baru. Mereka mendapat ultimatum agar dapat mengumpulkan minimal 10 siswa agar bisa bertahan. Bagi Ibu Muslimah (Cut Mini) dan Pak Harfan (Ikranagara), hal itu bukanlah tugas yang ringan. SD Muhammadiyah merupakan SD Islam pertama di Belitong. Kondisi sekolahan tersebut sudah tidak layak pakai. Bangunan sekolah sudah reyot dengan atap yang bolong dan pasti bocor jika hujan tiba. Karena globalisasi dan kebutuhan akan pendidikan modern menggeser keberadaannya menjadi sekolah yang dihindari oleh banyak orang. Meskipun demikian, dengan bersusah payah akhirnya SD Muhammadiyah berhasil mengumpulkan 10 siswa untuk membuka kelas baru.
Disekolah tersebut, terdapatlah Ikal (Zulfani), Lintang (Ferdian) dan Mahar (Veris Yamarno). Lintang merupakan anak yang cerdas yang dididik oleh kerasnya alam. Berbekal dengan membaca koran, majalah bekas, Lintang menjadi anak yang paling pintar di antara yang lainnya. Rumahnya yang terletak jauh di pesisir pantai mengharuskan dia harus pagi-pagi sekali berangkat ke sekolah. Belum lagi ketika dia harus melewati buaya yang biasanya berkubang di dekat jalan yang biasa dia lewati menuju ke sekolah. Ikal merupakan anak yang selalu ingin tahu dan selalu berusaha belajar. Sementara Mahar dengan gaya yang flamboyan dan radio butut di lehernya adalah sosok yang pandai akan seni. Karena kekompakan ke 10 anak tersebut, akhirnya mereka dijuluki oleh Bu Mus sebagai Laskar Pelangi.
Di sisi lain, terdapatlah SD PN TIMAH yang merupakan sekolah favorit dan diisi oleh kalangan berada.
Ke 10 anak-anak tersebut diuji dengan berbagai macam cobaan demi kelangsungan sekolah tempat mereka menimba ilmu. Ketegaran Bu Mus dalam membimbing mereka menjadikan sekolah ini tetap ceria. Namun sepeninggal Pak Harfan, Bu Mus menjadi terpukul dan anak-anak sedikit terlantarkan dalam belajar mengajarnya.
Bagaimana kisah berikutnya, apakah yang akan terjadi pada anak-anak Laskar Pelangi tersebut?
Laskar Pelangi film is told in the late 70s, on an island called K islands near Sumatra. The island is rich in tin, but an exploitation of the country at the time.
Tersebutlah a Muhammadiyah primary school which was difficult to open new classes. They got an ultimatum for a minimum of 10 students can gather in order to survive. For Mother Muslimah (Cut Mini) and Pak Harfan (Ikranagara), it is not easy task. SD Muhammadiyah is the first Islamic primary school in Belitong. The condition of these schools have been unsuitable. School buildings are dilapidated with a perforated roof leaked when it rained and would arrive. Because of globalization and the need for modern education into the school shifted its existence avoided by many people. However, with SD Muhammadiyah bother finally managed to gather 10 students to open a new class.
The school, lies the Curly (Zulfani), latitude (Ferdian) and Mahar (Veris Yamarno). Latitude is a bright child who was educated by the severity of nature. Armed with reading newspapers, magazines, latitude be a child of the most intelligent among others. His house was located deep in the coastal areas requires her to be up early to go to school. Not to mention when he had to pass through the usual crocodile wallow near the road which he used to pass their way to school. Curly is a child who is always curious and always trying to learn. While Mahar with a flamboyant style and his battered radio around his neck is a good figure for art. Because of compactness to 10 children, eventually they were dubbed by Bu Mus as Laskar Pelangi.
On the other hand, lies the PN Timah Primary School which is a favorite and be completed by the circles.
To 10 children were tested with various trials for the sake of continuity of school in which they gain knowledge. Bu Mus obstinacy in guiding them to make these schools remain cheerful. But after the death of Mr. Harfan, Bu Mus be devastated and the children learn a little terlantarkan in teaching.
What about the next story, what will happen to the children the Rainbow Warriors?
Sinopsis (English)
Tersebutlah a Muhammadiyah primary school which was difficult to open new classes. They got an ultimatum for a minimum of 10 students can gather in order to survive. For Mother Muslimah (Cut Mini) and Pak Harfan (Ikranagara), it is not easy task. SD Muhammadiyah is the first Islamic primary school in Belitong. The condition of these schools have been unsuitable. School buildings are dilapidated with a perforated roof leaked when it rained and would arrive. Because of globalization and the need for modern education into the school shifted its existence avoided by many people. However, with SD Muhammadiyah bother finally managed to gather 10 students to open a new class.
The school, lies the Curly (Zulfani), latitude (Ferdian) and Mahar (Veris Yamarno). Latitude is a bright child who was educated by the severity of nature. Armed with reading newspapers, magazines, latitude be a child of the most intelligent among others. His house was located deep in the coastal areas requires her to be up early to go to school. Not to mention when he had to pass through the usual crocodile wallow near the road which he used to pass their way to school. Curly is a child who is always curious and always trying to learn. While Mahar with a flamboyant style and his battered radio around his neck is a good figure for art. Because of compactness to 10 children, eventually they were dubbed by Bu Mus as Laskar Pelangi.
On the other hand, lies the PN Timah Primary School which is a favorite and be completed by the circles.
To 10 children were tested with various trials for the sake of continuity of school in which they gain knowledge. Bu Mus obstinacy in guiding them to make these schools remain cheerful. But after the death of Mr. Harfan, Bu Mus be devastated and the children learn a little terlantarkan in teaching.
What about the next story, what will happen to the children the Rainbow Warriors?
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